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Text File | 1996-02-26 | 48.7 KB | 1,068 lines |
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) SlipKnot V. 1.0 through 1.50
- This file is designed for solving SlipKnot problems, not for tips on
- general usage. Please skim the file for areas of interest before
- wading in.
- Updated on Feb. 26, 1996 for Version 1.50
- Updated on Dec. 8, 1995 for Version 1.40
- Updated on Oct. 1, 1995 for Version 1.13
- Updated on July 27, 1995 for Version 1.12
- Updated on June 11, 1995 for Version 1.11
- Updated on Apr. 26, 1995 for Version 1.10
- Updated on Mar. 26, 1995 for Version 1.08 (beta)
- Updated on Mar. 6, 1995 for Version 1.07 (beta)
- Updated on Feb. 10, 1995
- Updated on Jan. 30, 1995 for Version 1.05 (beta)
- Updated on Dec. 15, 1994 for Version 1.0
- Created on Dec. 4, 1994 by the MicroMind SlipKnot folks.
- ======================= Problems -- Table of Contents.
- -- Update news and upgrading instructions
- -- Introduction
- -- Section 1. What you need before getting SlipKnot
- -- Section 2. Problems in getting SlipKnot and running SETUP
- -- Section 3. Problems when starting SlipKnot for the first time
- -- Section 4. Configuring SlipKnot Terminal and testing the settings
- -- Section 5. Problems in "Initializing the Host" or when pressing the
- World Wide Web button
- -- Section 6. Problems in SlipKnot Web
- -- Section 7. Current SlipKnot limitations and peculiarities
- -- Section 8. Miscellaneous Communications Problems
- -- Section 9. Problem with SlipKnot Terminal
- -- Appendix 1. Choosing and setting up a UNIX prompt.
- -- Appendix 2. "Initializing the Host" manually
- -- Appendix 3. If this document does not help solve the problem
- ======================== Upgrading to Version 1.50 ===============
- === Upgrade Method 1 ===
- If your version of SlipKnot is working and you are normally able to retrieve
- large documents in SlipKnot Web, then retrieve the SlipKnot What's New Page.
- There's a link to it in the SlipKnot Local Home Page which you can use, but
- here's the location anyway:
- http://www.interport.net/slipknot/whatsnew.html
- You will find easy upgrade instructions on the What's New Page.
- ==== Upgrade Method 2 ===
- If you are having problems with SlipKnot, then
- 1. retrieve the following file using anonymous FTP:
- site: interport.net
- directory: /pub/pbrooks/slipknot
- file: snup150.zip
- or
- site: ftp.netcom.com
- directory: /pub/pb/pbrooks/slipknot
- file: snup150.zip
- 2. Place the snup150.zip file into your \SLIPKNOT\UPGRADE directory
- 3. Terminate SlipKnot completely
- 4. In the Windows SlipKnot group of icons, there is a "NEW" icon, which
- should perform the complete upgrade for you. If this fails, then
- unzip the snup150.zip file (making sure that there are no CRC errors, and
- if there are errors, then *do not* try to fix them in any way -- try to
- retrieve the file again). Place the unzipped contents of the upgrade
- file into your \SLIPKNOT directory, overwriting some older files there.
- Then, using an ASCII editor, edit the \SLIPKNOT\SLIPKNOT.INI file to
- change the version number inside to 1.50
- If you are having trouble upgrading using SlipKnot's NEW icon, then:
- 1. Unzip the SNUP150.ZIP file into a temporary directory. Make sure that
- there are NO unzipping errors. If there are, try a different unzipping
- program (we recommend PKUNZIP 2.04c or later), or try retrieving the
- file again in case there were any downloading problems.
- 2. Copy the resultant unzipped files into your \SLIPKNOT directory.
- ===================== Introduction
- If you are having a problem with SlipKnot recognizing your UNIX prompt, please
- see the Appendix on this topic.
- Although installation has gone smoothly in most cases, there have, of
- course, been some problems.
- This file is designed to address the most common problems in installing and
- using SlipKnot, and some of its current limitations. We have tried to make
- this document cover as many as possible of the problems that we have heard
- of, hence it is long.
- We urge you to read this FAQ and check with the Usenet group
- comp.infosystems.www.users before sending us email fo support.
- If you know of others interested in SlipKnot, we ask your help in posting
- this document *locally* to help others. If you are in contact with your
- UNIX system administrator, feel free to send this document to that person.
- Since SlipKnot tries to run on a large variety of differently configured
- PCs connected to a large variety of different UNIX systems, many of the
- problems below are rare, but are listed because someone has reported them.
- Choose the section below where you are having a problem -- it is not
- necessary to read this entire document.
- In any case, we know the frustration of software installations, and
- apologize in advance if the problem is due to SlipKnot.
- NOTE: If you are using a beta version of SlipKnot (prior to Version 1.0),
- then we strongly urge you to upgrade to version 1.50. -- we no longer
- support any beta versions. Particularly, if you are using Version
- 0.53, (a version with many problems), your best bet for solving its
- problems is a complete re-installation. Retrieve the latest version
- file using anonymous FTP from:
- ftp://oak.oakland.edu/SimTel/win3/internet/slnot150.zip
- then remove all files inside your \SLIPKNOT directory and all of its
- subdirectories, before re-installing.
- NOTE: If you are having trouble, one of the best ways of receiving help is
- to ask other SlipKnot users on your UNIX system (possibly by posting
- a question to a local newsgroup). Since each UNIX system is slightly
- different from all others, we at MicroMind may not know about such
- problems, and local people might already have solved the problem you
- are experiencing.
- ======================= Section 1. What you need before getting SlipKnot:
- You must have a PC running some flavor of Windows, and a subscription
- (account) on a UNIX system. At this time, you MUST be calling up your
- UNIX system using a modem (no direct connections are supported in Version
- 1.0).
- On your PC:
- -- A 386, 486, or Pentium PC running Windows 3.1+, or Windows for
- Workgroups, or Windows NT, or Windows 95. OS/2-Win is now supported
- in Version 1.11 or later.
- -- SlipKnot WILL NOT currently run on:
- -- Mac running SoftWindows (because, we are told, SoftWindows emulates
- a 286 processor, and SlipKnot requires a 386. SlipKnot may run on
- the hardware-based 386-enahnced "Houdini" processors, but we have
- not gotten any reports.
- -- Windows should be running in 386 Enhanced mode. If you are not sure
- whether yours is, then launch Windows, and in the Program Manager, press
- the menu item Help and the About Program Manager. At the bottom of that
- small screen is an indication of the Windows Mode, which should read:
- "Enhanced Mode". If it does not, you must change the way Windows is
- launched.
- On your Host:
- -- Your Host MUST be running UNIX (SlipKnot will not work with VAX/VMS)
- -- You must have a shell account with your host. You cannot be trapped
- inside a menu or inside a program. You must be able to get to a UNIX
- shell prompt from which you can execute any program of your choice.
- NOTE: many "freenets" do not offer shell access to their subscribers,
- choosing instead to provide program access via menus -- SlipKnot will
- not work with such systems.
- -- Your Host's UNIX system must have either the lynx or www program
- available. The lynx program MUST be called "lynx". If your system only
- has a single World Wide Web program called "www", make sure that it is
- not really the lynx program in disguise, by trying to execute the
- following command from your UNIX prompt:
- www -version
- If you get a message indicating that you are running some version of
- lynx, then you must create a "pseudo-command" called lynx which will
- execute your www program. The reason is that the official "www" program
- is different from lynx, and SlipKnot will get confused if one
- masquerades as the other.
- -- If you are not sure whether your UNIX system has lynx or www available, then
- execute:
- lynx -version
- or
- www
- from your UNIX prompt. If either works, then choose the appropriate one
- in your SlipKnot Terminal Setup/Host screen.
- -- If you are going to be using lynx, then make sure that it's version is
- at least 2.2 (and preferably 2-4-2 or 2.4-FM or later). Versions
- of lynx prior to 2.2 will prevent SlipKnot from retrieving
- pictures. Versions of lynx prior to 2.3.7 may, under some
- circumstances, cause other unspecified difficulties.
- -- If you are using SlipKnot 1.0, then your UNIX system must have a program
- to download files using either the Xmodem or Ymodem protocol. If you
- are using SlipKnot 1.05 or later, then you may also use either Zmodem or
- Kermit. You will need to know what the correct command is for your UNIX
- system for initiating a download procedure using the protocol of your
- choice, for downloading *binary* files.
- 1.1 -- The "Exclusive in Foreground" setting: In Windows 3.1, there is a
- setting in the Windows Control Panel that affects SlipKnot's
- background operations. Go to the Windows Main group, launch
- Control Panel, go to the "386 Enhanced" settings. There should be
- a checkbox called "Exclusive in Foreground". This box should be
- unchecked! If it is unchecked, then everything is OK. If it is
- checked, then uncheck it, save the setting by pressing OK,
- terminate Windows, and then come back into Windows and make sure it
- remains unchecked! We have heard of systems where this is a
- difficult box to uncheck (it seems to want to remain set).
- If all else fails (the box insists on remaining checked), then you
- will have to force this setting manually by using an ASCII editor
- to edit the SYSTEM.INI file in the \WINDOWS directory. Exit
- Windows. Edit the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI file. Therein you will find
- a setting: "WinExclusive=1". Change this to: "WinExclusive=0".
- Save the file and go into Windows Control Panel to make sure that
- the box is, in fact, unchecked.
- On your UNIX system:
- -- You must have a "shell" account on your UNIX system. This means that
- when you log in, there is a prompt and you type commands. Menu-based
- accounts are not supported (where you choose your activities by selecting
- items from lists). If you have a menu-based system, which allows you
- access to a shell prompt -- then that's all right -- as long as you
- can get to a shell prompt.
- -- Your UNIX system must have either the program "lynx" (Version 2.2 or
- later) or the program "www" available for your use. How to test:
- -- Try to execute: "lynx" from the shell prompt. If it works, you
- should see a page of information, and you can exit lynx by pressing
- "q". To find out the version of lynx, execute: "lynx -version" from
- the prompt. If it indicates a version of lynx prior to 2.2, then
- SlipKnot will not be able to retrieve binary files (e.g. pictures),
- and you may want to get your UNIX system to upgrade its version of
- lynx (see next paragraph).
- You can find current versions of lynx for a variety of UNIX systems at
- the following site:
- ftp2.cc.ukans.edu in the directory or subdirectories below:
- /pub/WWW/lynx
- If you are not quite familiar with your UNIX system, you should
- probably try to get someone else who is to retrieve and install the
- appropriate current version.
- -- If lynx is not available, try executing "www".
- If it works, please make sure that this "www" is not just another
- name for "lynx" ("www" is, in fact, a completely different program
- unrelated to "lynx", but on some systems, "www" just executes the
- "lynx" program). To test whether "www" has been aliased to bring up
- "lynx", execute: "www -version". You may get a short explanation
- which indicates that this a version of lynx. If not, then you are
- probably working with a legitimate copy of "www", and that's fine.
- If "www" turns out to be really a version of "lynx", then you must
- try to find out a way to execute this program by typing "lynx"
- instead of "www" (this is called "unaliasing"), and if you do not
- know how to do this, then the best bet is to try asking someone who
- knows.
- -- Your UNIX system must be able to send *binary* files to your PC
- (download) using any one of the protocols: Xmodem, Xmodem-CRC, Xmodem-1K
- or Ymodem-Batch, Zmodem or Kermit.
- You should also be able to upload files using these X Y or Zmodem
- or Kermit protocols, but it is not absolutely necessary for
- SlipKnot to be able to do so.
- If you do not know whether your UNIX system has this capability, try to
- ask someone knowledgeable, and in particular, ask what the appropriate
- commands are to launch one of these file transfer programs. Then install
- these appropriate commands in the Setup/Host screen.
- If your UNIX system does not have X or Ymodem file transfer programs,
- there are versions of these programs available on the Internet, but it
- may require a person knowledgeable with your UNIX system to install a
- version.
- ================= Section 2. Problems in getting SlipKnot and running SETUP
- 2.1 -- Unzipping problems: MOST IMPORTANT: If, after downloading the
- slnot150.zip file, you have errors in unzipping (say, CRC errors),
- then the file you have may be corrupted. If so, DO NOT proceed to
- either install or try to fix up the file (with programs like zipfix).
- SlipKnot will cause untold errors if its files are corrupted and
- then installed.
- -- If you unzipped slnot150.zip on your UNIX system, and then tried
- to download the resultant files -- don't. Download slnot150.zip
- to your PC first and unzip there. This is because the unzipping
- programs on UNIX may not unzip the file correctly.
- -- If you had unzipping problems on your PC, this may be caused by
- an incompatibility between your unzip program and slnot150.zip.
- Try to obtain and use the DOS program PKUNZIP (version 2.04).
- This program is available on most bulletin boards since the
- majority of the world's posted PC software is in zipped form
- using PKZIP as the standard.
- -- If you have used PKUNZIP, and there are still errors, then the
- problem occurred in downloading the file (file is legitimately
- corrupted). The problem either occurred in using anonymous FTP
- to download the file to your UNIX system (if you retrieved the
- file from the Internet) or in the process of downloading the file
- to your PC.
- -- FTP problems: the transfer must be in binary. Here is a
- sample session for transferring the file from one of
- SlipKnot's distribution sites (comments and FTP responses in
- UPPER CASE, your commands in lower case).
- ftp
- open oak.oakland.edu
- LOGIN: anonymous
- PASSWORD: (enter your email address here)
- cd /SimTel/win3/internet
- binary
- hash
- get slnot150.zip
- quit
- -- Downloading to PC problems: this process MUST ALSO be in
- binary mode, not ASCII, and the commands for this process are
- dependent upon both your PC comm program and the commands to
- trigger a binary download from your UNIX system. If you
- suspect that this may be the source of the problem, try to
- check with someone else on your UNIX system as to which
- commands to start for *binary* downloads.
- 2.2 -- SETUP problems: Once you have successfully unzipped slnot150.zip
- into a temporary directory (say, C:\TEMP), run Windows, and from the
- Program Manager, press File/Run and indicate there the path and name
- of the SETUP.EXE file (e.g. C:\TEMP\SETUP).
- -- Problem: You see "Initializing Setup", and then...nothing
- happens. The most probable cause of this is a corrupted
- slnot150.zip file or other problems in unzipping it. See the
- prior section (2.1) on these problems.
- We have heard that there may be an incompatibilty between
- SlipKnot's SETUP program and a program called VSAFE (or vsave?).
- When VSAFE is loaded, SETUP may not run successfully. Once VSAFE
- is unloaded, then SETUP may run.
- -- Problem: You get a message to the effect that DDEML.DLL cannot be
- copied. This is usually just a warning message and you can go
- continue installing. If instead, SETUP stops at this point,
- then: exit Windows, find your existent DDEML.DLL file in your
- \WINDOWS\SYSTEM or \WINDOWS directory, rename the file to some
- other name (like DDEML.BAK), run Windows again and start the
- SETUP process again -- SlipKnot should then install its own
- DDEML.DLL file.
- -- Problem: You get a message to the effect that either CMDIALOG.VBX
- or THREED.VBX is out of date. Exit Windows, find the offending
- file (either CMDIALOG.VBX or THREED.VBX) in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM
- or \WINDOWS directory, rename the file to some other name (say,
- CMDIALOG.BAK or THREED.BAK), then run Windows again, and run
- SETUP again.
- ================= Section 3. Problems in running SlipKnot for the first time
- 3.1 -- Problem: a General Protection Fault occurs when you launch SlipKnot.
- -- Did you have any problems/errors in unzipping? If so, remove all
- files from your \SLIPKNOT directory and see section 2.1 above.
- -- Check your \SLIPKNOT directory to see if you have any files there
- whose names end in "_" (e.g. PDQCOM21.VB_). If so, then SETUP
- did not successfully uncompress these SlipKnot files. You will
- have to uncompress them one-by-one (or you can try running SETUP
- again to do the job). To uncompress the files, use the DOS
- program EXPAND.EXE (should already be available on your drive).
- Here's how to uncompress one of these files:
- Suppose the file to uncompress is PDQCOM21.VB_. Look up the suffix
- ("VB_") in the list below (you will find: "VBX"), then uncompress
- this file with the command:
- After successfully expanding the file, delete the original
- (PDQCOM21.VB_).
- The following is a list of the compressed suffixes and their
- matching uncompressed suffixes:
- Compressed Uncompressed
- ---------- ------------
- .BA_ .BAK
- .BM_ .BMP
- .DL_ .DLL
- .EX_ .EXE
- .GI_ .GIF
- .HL_ .HLP
- .HS_ .HST
- .HT_ .HTM
- .IC_ .ICO
- .IN_ .INI
- .PI_ .PIF
- .TX_ .TXT
- .VB_ .VBX
- .WA_ .WAV
- 3.2 -- Problem: You get a message to the effect that SlipKnot cannot set
- your Terminal font to any known font. This is usually caused by a
- bad or corrupted SNTERM.INI file in your \SLIPKNOT directory. This
- is what that file should look like (if it doesn't, then copy the
- section between the two lines and recreate SNTERM.INI):
- --------------------- start of SNTERM.INI lines
- [Terminal]
- FontName=Courier New
- FontSize=9
- BackColor=0
- ForeColor=15
- FontBold=0
- Emulation=4
- [Communications]
- CommPort=2
- ModemInit=AT &F E1 V1 L1 S0=0
- ModemHangup=,,,+++,,,,,,,ATH^M
- Connect=CONNECT
- Disconnect=NO CARRIER
- IsPulse=0
- [Host]
- HostName=SAMPLE
- [Global]
- ------------------ end of SNTERM.INI lines
- -- If you still get this Font-related message, then make sure you
- have the "Courier New" font available. If not, then change the
- line "Fontname=Courier New" to some other font that you do have,
- and change the line "Fontsize=9" to a size available for the font
- you have chosen.
- 3.3 -- Problem: In version 1.05, if you get a "STACK OVERFLOW" message when
- bringing up the SlipKnot Terminal Setup/Communication screen: see
- section 8.1 below.
- ========== Section 4. Configuring SlipKnot Terminal and testing the settings
- If you have not read SlipKnot Help on Terminal Configuration, then do so
- (press on the Help menu item, and go to the topic: Terminal Configuration).
- You will find explanations there that solve many problems.
- 4.1 -- Problem: You are connected to your UNIX system through a serial line
- without a modem. SlipKnot does not seem to connect. Reason:
- SlipKnot Version 1.0 does not yet support direct serial connections.
- The next version should.
- 4.2 -- Problem: SlipKnot does not seem to dial correctly, or does not reach
- the dialing stage. If you have another communuications program that
- works successfully, then copy the "modem initialization string" from
- that program into the SlipKnot screen: Setup/Communications.
- 4.3 -- Problem: After SlipKnot dials and connects with the other modem, you
- see garbage on the screen. Most likely reason: wrong number of data
- bits or wrong parity set in the Setup/Host screen. If you are on a
- 7-bit line connection to your Host, SlipKnot does not yet support
- 7-bit connections. The next version should.
- 4.4 -- Problem: You are using the script-based login, and when the script
- finishes, SlipKnot waits for a while, and then logs off. This is
- most likely caused by SlipKnot not recognizing your UNIX prompt. See
- Appendix 1 below for a discussion on setting your UNIX prompt.
- 4.5 -- Problem: When SlipKnot starts up or when it connects to your UNIX
- system, you get a General Protection Fault involving PDQCOM21.VBX.
- If so, try changing the Terminal Emulation (inside the Setup/Host
- screen) to ANSI if it was VT100.
- =============== Section 5. Problems in "Initializing the Host" or when
- pressing the World Wide Web button
- This is where many problems can occur, because it is only at this point
- theat SlipKnot is actually trying to do work with your UNIX system.
- Most of these problems have to do with setting up the screen: Setup/Host.
- There is a quick way of getting the right settings: try to find another
- person on your UNIX system who is successfully using SlipKnot, (and doing
- so with the same shell [Bourne, C-shell, Korn shell, etc.] that you use).
- If you can find such a person, ask for a copy of that person's Host file.
- That is a file in the \SLIPKNOT directory with the suffix: .HST that
- contains all of the settings for this UNIX host. These files are in
- ASCII-readable format and can be transfered from person to person. NOTE:
- these .HST files DO NOT contain the login ID and password, so they are safe
- to copy and distribute.
- If you have tried the various suggestions below with no success, it is
- possible that the particular technique that SlipKnot uses to
- initialize your host is faulty for your UNIX system. There is a
- manual method of initializing your host, detailed in Appendix 2.
- Please note that this is a last resort mechanism and we do not
- guarantee that it will work successfully (but worth a try).
- 5.1 -- Problem: an error message occurs: SlipKnot does not recognize your
- UNIX prompt or your UNIX directory is not writable.
- -- This is usually caused by one of the two problems mentioned in
- the error message. For recognizing the UNIX prompt problem, see
- Appendix 1 below. For the other problem (writable directory), see
- 5.2 below.
- 5.2 -- Problem: an error message occurs concerning the "noclobber" setting.
- See the discussion in SlipKnot Help (topic: "noclobber").
- 5.3 -- Problem: SlipKnot tries, unsuccessfully, to initialize your Host, and
- then presents a message that the Host could not be initialized.
- -- This is most likely a problem with file downloading (though it
- could be caused by the "noclobber" issue -- in which case see
- section 5.2 above). If it not a "noclobber" problem, see 5.3.1
- below.
- 5.3.1 -- Inside Setup/Host, you chose a file transfer protocol (Xmodem-1K
- or Ymodem-Batch, or...) and also the UNIX command that starts
- file transfers using that protocol. It is likely that the
- command in Setup/Host is not correct for your UNIX system.
- For instance: if you chose Xmodem-1K, then SlipKnot will try to
- use the UNIX command "sx -k {filename}" to get your UNIX system
- to send a file using the Xmodem-1K protocol. Your UNIX system
- may not have the "sx" program and may be using a different
- program for Xmodem file transfers instead.
- If you can find out what the proper command is for this protocol,
- then install it in the Setup/Host screen (make sure you include the
- "{filename}" string for where to put the filename when the
- program actually executes).
- NOTE: make sure you choose a UNIX command that starts *binary*
- file transfers.
- NOTE: some modems have the capability to use compression, and if
- you are having file transfer problems, occasionally this may be
- the cause. So, try turning modem compression off. Modem
- compression is turned on and off using modem commands in the
- Modem Init String (this is settable in Setup/Communications).
- Please check your modem manual for the proper command to turn
- compression on and off (for instance, on the Supra FAXModem 28.8,
- the command to turn compression off is %C0)
- -- You can test whether downloading works by trying to download a
- small file using the menu item: Communcations/Get File from
- Host. If that fails, then the transfer command is either
- incorrect, or your UNIX system does not have any program that
- supports the chosen protocol.
- -- If downloading does not work, try a different protocol (if you
- used Xmodem-1K, try Ymodem-Batch, or vice versa).
- 5.3.2 -- If downloading works, but Initializing Host does not, then
- there may be a fix in a patched version of some of the
- SlipKnot files. These files can be obtained from the
- following source by anonymous FTP:
- site: interport.net
- directory: /pub/pbrooks/slipknot
- file: look for the latest file starting with the letters: "snt".
- NOTE: the filename of the patch indicates with SlipKnot version
- it is meant to fix. For instance, the "snt107c.zip" file is the
- "C" patch meant for SlipKnot version 1.07. Therefore, you must
- already be using version 1.07 to install it. DO NOT install a
- patch file that is meant for a different (particularly a previous)
- version. Also: if there are several patch files meant for the
- same SlipKnot version (e.g. snt107a.zip, snt107b.zip), you
- only need the one with the highest letter -- it incorporates
- all previous fixes.
- Once you have downloaded the patch file, unzip it, and make sure that
- there are no unzipping errors. If there ARE unzipping errors, try to
- unzip the file with another unzip program (we prefer PKUNZIP version
- 2.04 or later). DO NOT use some sort of a zipfixing program if there
- are errors, this will only introduce mysterious problems later.
- You should find a READ.ME file with instructions on
- installation therein.
- -- A rare problem occurs on some machines with the two shell
- scripts that SlipKnot places into your UNIX directory during
- Initialization. The shell scripts are called: ".slipcommand"
- and ".slipgeturl". After SlipKnot deposits these shell scripts
- on your UNIX system, it tries to make these scripts
- "executable". Please check to see if, in fact, these scripts
- exist and that they are executable. Here's how: execute the
- following commands at your UNIX prompt:
- ls -l .slipcommand
- and
- ls -l .slipgeturl
- In both cases, you should get a line of information indicating
- that the file in question exists, and at the beginning of each
- line there should be the string: "-rwx ...". If the files do
- not exist, then try Initializing your host again (use the menu
- item: Setup/Initialize Host). If the "x" in "rwx" does not
- exist, then execute the following two commands at your UNIX
- prompt:
- chmod u+x .slipcommand
- chmod u+x .slipgeturl
- ================= Section 6. Problems in SlipKnot Web
- At this point, you have gone through Host initialization successfully, and
- using, or about to use SlipKnot Web.
- 6.1 -- Problem: when running SlipKnot Web for the first time, it
- successfully takes its time in "analyzing your fonts", but then a
- red windows appears, saying "Analyzing" and nothing else happens.
- The most probable cause is the "Exclusive in Foreground" Windows
- setting. See Section 1.1.
- You should also check, in your Main Windows Group/Control Panel/
- 386 Enhanced, that in the Scheduling box: the Windows in Foreground
- setting is approximately 100, and the Windows in Background setting
- is approximately 50.
- 6.2 -- Problem: an error message appears: "Cannot analyze document ()". At
- this point, SlipKnot is trying to display the document SLIPKNOT.HTM
- which should be located inside your \SLIPKNOT directory. Please
- check that it is there.
- If it is not, but you do find a file called: SLIPKNOT.HT_ then refer
- to Section 3.1.
- If it is there, then try to remember whether there were any errors
- in unzipping the original slnot150.zip file. If there were, then
- see Section 2.1. If there were no unzipping errors, then see
- Section 1.1.
- We have also heard of problems of this type when using 4DOS, an
- alternative to COMMAND.COM.
- 6.3 -- Problem: you can get some small documents from the Internet, but
- larger documents fail to come in. Downloading always fails at some
- particular number of bytes downloaded (say, 12288).
- If this happens for X or Ymodem protocols, and you are using version
- 1.0, then upgrade to version 1.1 which now supports Zmodem and
- Kermit. See the section on upgrading above.
- If you are using Zmodem (see the Setup/Host screen), and you
- are using as a download command:
- sz -b {filename}
- then try the following modification of that command:
- sz -beL 1024 -l 1024 {filename}
- (by the way, the third argument above is dash-EL, not dash-I).
- 6.4 -- Problem: you get a message: "Unable to display this file as a Web
- document".
- SlipKnot does not recognize the beginning of the document as a valid
- HTML document. Technical note: It currently looks for the following
- strings: "<html>", "<head>" and "<title>". If these are not found,
- then SlipKnot concludes (possibly mistakenly) that this is not a
- valid HTML file, and gives that message.
- Version 1.1 is now less strict (rejects fewer documents). If you
- are using 1.0, it would be wise to upgrade.
- 6.5 -- Problem: SlipKnot Web crashes: if this happens, you will still be
- able to go back to SlipKnot Terminal by pressing Ctrl-Esc and
- choosing SlipKnot Terminal or SNTERM. Once back in the Terminal,
- you may find the keyboard locked (try typing a couple of
- characters). If so, use the menu item: Debug/Unfeeeze Keyboard. At
- this point, you should be able to type, or disconnect, or be able to
- go back to SlipKnot Web (and your previously retrieved documents
- will still be in your History session, re-dislayable by pressing the
- icon with the circular arrow).
- 6.6 -- Problem: SlipKnot Web crashes while trying to display a document and
- messes up the screen. This can happen when the document has a huge
- number of pictures in it (sometimes a document author will use a
- small picture for each bulletted item over and over again). In this
- case, exit SlipKnot Web, disconnect, exit SlipKnot, exit Windows.
- 6.7 -- Problem: SlipKnot Web indicates that "you are not connected to the
- Host" while trying to retrieve a document. Exit SlipKnot Web back
- to the Terminal, use Debug/Unfreeze keyboard if the keyboard is
- locked. Try to see if your UNIX system is responding. If not,
- disconnect and re-connect.
- Some UNIX systems will log you off if there is no activity for a
- given period of time. SlipKnot tries to prevent this if you have
- checked the box in Setup/Host that says: "Tickle host every minute".
- This does not always work.
- 6.8 -- Problem: The document title appears twice. This is not really a
- problem but rather a design choice on the part of the document
- author. The author has chosen to use the same words in both the
- document title and its primary header, and SlipKnot displays both.
- 6.9 -- Problem: you get the message: "Unable to retrieve document". Often
- this has nothing to do with SlipKnot. This message may result from
- one of the following possibilities:
- -- The document address was misspelled (mispelled?), therefore
- there is no such document.
- -- The document has been moved, and left no forwarding address.
- -- The Internet is busy (this happens more and more frequently),
- and SlipKnot is unable to get through.
- -- The computer that the document resides on is busy or down.
- -- The document came through partly, but there was an error in the
- downloading process. If so, see Section 5.3.1, particularly
- concerning *binary* file transfers.
- To test whether the document is really out there, you can go back
- to SlipKnot Terminal temporarily, and try to retrieve the document
- using either lynx or www (whichever you chose in the Setup/Host
- screen). To do this, you'll need to know the document URL
- (Universal Resource Locator, or simply: its address). You can
- find out the addresses of the most recent documents you tried to
- retrieve using the Navigate/Retrieve from Internet menu item, and
- the drop-down list will show you the last 10 addresses.
- Copy down the address of the problem document (for instance:
- "http://service/path/filename.html"), go back to
- SlipKnot Terminal temporarily, and try to retrieve the document
- using lynx or www in the following way:
- lynx http://service/path/filename.html
- or
- www http:///service/path/filename.html
- If lynx or www can retrieve it, try it in SlipKnot Web again. If
- it fails again, then the problem is somewhere in SlipKnot,
- otherwise it's an address or Internet problem.
- 6.10 -- Problem: you get the message: "document too large". Under some
- circumstances, SlipKnot may not be able to handle a very large
- document or a document with a very large picture.
- 6.11 -- Problem: SlipKnot Web has lost the list of your personal Folders.
- Upgrade to version 1.1 or later (if you are not already running
- it). Launch SlipKnot Web, and bring up the Documents/Folders
- dialog box. There is a button: "Find lost folders". This will
- recreate access to your folders, although the original names from
- them will be lost. You can then look into each of the new folders
- (you should see the documents and bookmarks that you've saved
- there), and use the Folders dialog box button "Edit" to rename the
- Folders, one-by-one.
- 6.12 -- SlipKnot Web problems with the Diamond Stealth 64 card (or possibly
- other Diamond Stealth cards): One of our users reports that there
- is a small icon in Diamond Stealth's "Control Tools", which, when
- visible prevents SlipKnot Web from launching. His suggestion is to
- make sure that this icon is not visible (and presumably, therefore,
- not active).
- ========== Section 7. Current SlipKnot limitations and peculiarities.
- 7.1 -- SlipKnot does not do news, or WAIS.
- These are available through SlipKnot Terminal using common UNIX
- commands which are probably already better than SlipKnot would have
- given you.
- 7.4 -- SlipKnot Web windows are too small.
- You can resize these windows, just like any other window.
- ========== Section 8. Miscellaneous Communications Problems
- 8.1 -- When bringing up the Setup/Communications screen, the error message:
- "Out of Stack Space" appears.
- This is a mysterious problem occurring on some systems as a result of
- the upgrade to 1.05. All of the settings that would normally appear
- on this Setup/Communications screen can actually be set with an
- ASCII editor, editing the \SLIPKNOT\SNTERM.INI file. This screen
- allows changes to the serial line modem control strings, and if
- SlipKnot worked in 1.0, you may not need to make any changes to
- this screen anyway. However, here are the lines in then
- \SLIPKNOT\SNTERM.INI file that this screen controls:
- [Communications]
- CommPort=1
- ModemInit=AT &F2 E1 V1 L1 S0=0
- ModemHangup=,,,+++,,,,,,ATH^M
- Connect=CONNECT
- Disconnect=NO CARRIER
- IsPulse=0
- Ismodem=-1
- ModemBusy=BUSY
- ModemReset=ATZ^M
- Most of the lines above are straightforward in meaning, except perhaps
- the IsPulse and IsModem lines. On these lines, "0" means NO, and "-1"
- means "YES", therefore in the above lines, IsPulse is off (meaning
- that the telephone line is Touch-Tone, not Pulse), and Ismodem is on,
- meaning that there is a modem (rather than a direct serial connection
- without modem).
- 8.2 -- SlipKnot can no longer connect to the other modem -- it times out
- too quickly. This is fixed in 1.1.
- Try: In the Setup/Host screen, turn off the Retry if Busy check
- box, then save the settings, and try to connect. If it works, then
- you should be able to turn that setting back on.
- 8.3 -- When uploading a file using Communications/Send file to Host,
- SlipKnot says that it succeeded but the resultant file on UNIX is
- too small, and just contains a single character: "a". This is fixed
- in 1.1.
- If you asked SlipKnot to upload a file, (for instance, the
- "REGIST.TXT" file), SlipKnot may create two different files on
- your UNIX system: "regist.txt" and "REGIST.TXT", where
- "regist.txt" just contains the "a" character, while
- "REGIST.TXT" contains the full information that you wanted to
- send. NOTE: Unlike DOS, UNIX filenames are case-sensitive, so
- two files with different capitalization in their names can
- coexist inside a single UNIX directory.
- 8.4 -- When uploading a file using Zmodem, the file transfer sometimes fails.
- Not only does uploading fail, but it is possible that the
- Terminal is frozen after a failed upload attempt (you can type,
- but cannot see what yiou are typing, and you may get a
- mysterious "QuickWin Application Error" message). If this
- happens, you MUST disconnect and exit from SlipKnot, and then
- re-launch SlipKnot so that SlipKnot can recover from this
- error. Then try to use a different file transfer protocol (see
- next paragraph).
- Possible fix: change the default Zmodem upload command from "rz
- -b" to just "rz" without the "-b". This is know to fix
- uploading problems on some versions of UNIX zmodem (e.g. the
- one at Netcom).
- As of Version 1.13, you can now choose a different upload file
- transfer protocol. Inside the screen: Setup/Host, choose a
- different Send (upload) file transfer. If you have been using
- Zmodem, then try Xmodem-1K or, better yet, Kermit. You should,
- however, have some knowledge that your UNIX system supports the
- protocol that you are trying and that the command that SlipKnot
- uses for that protocol is correct. For instance, SlipKnot's
- default UNIX command for Kermit is "kermit -i -r". You can
- edit this command, if your UNIX system uses some other command
- to make kermit receive a file.
- ========== Section 9. Problems with SlipKnot Terminal
- 9.1 -- You get a GPF (General Protection Fault) naming the PDQCOM2R program.
- This can be caused by a number of things:
- 1. Your UNIX system sent some invisible screen control codes that
- SlipKnot Terminal was unable to interpret.
- Workaround: change the Terminal emulation in Setup/Host,
- particularly if you are using VT100 (best bet: change it to
- ANSI). After doing so, make sure to tell your UNIX system that
- you have changed your terminal emulation (say, to ansi).
- 2. On some video cards, SlipKnot Terminal will only work in 256 color
- mode (not thousands or millions of colors). This problem might
- occur when you attempt to cut and/or paste in the Terminal window
- or are capturing a URL to retrieve in SlipKnot Web.
- Workaround: as a test, change your video driver to 256 color mode.
- This can usually be accomplished with the Change Settings menu item
- in the Main Windows Group/Windows Setup screen.
- 9.2 -- You see little square boxes on occasion in the Terminal Window.
- This is usually caused by your UNIX system (or the program you are
- running on it) sending NULL-bytes or other non-ASCII characters to
- your terminal. We've no idea why the UNIX program would want to do
- this, but we will try to fix this visual problem in the future.
- 9.3 -- You have trouble uploading files from your PC to your UNIX system.
- See section 8.4
- ========== Appendix 1. Choosing and setting up a UNIX prompt.
- The UNIX prompt that you tell SlipKnot about (in the Setup/Host screen)
- will be used by SlipKnot to recognize your UNIX prompt when it appears.
- What you tell SlipKnot need not match exactly your actual UNIX prompt, but
- it must still be recognizable.
- The problem usually occurs on systems using shells that change the prompt
- rom line to line. Say, for instance, that you UNIX prompt is: "peter[1]"
- when you just log in, but the number changes ("peter[2]", "peter[3]", ...)
- In this case, the solution is simple: tell SlipKnot (in the Setup/Host
- screen) that your UNIX prompt is: "peter", and SlipKnot shoud be able to
- recognize it.
- WARNING: try, if possible, not to tell SlipKnot that your UNIX prompt is
- ">" or your login id. This will sometimes confuse SlipKnot. If your
- actual UNIX prompt IS your login id, or the character ">", then you may
- have to change your actual UNIX prompt (and tell SlipKnot what the new one
- is) before SlipKnot will work.
- =========== Appendix 2. "Initializing your Host" manually.
- If all else failed in Section 5, then here is a mechanism of
- initializing your host manually, divided into 2 parts:
- App2.1.0: Getting the shell scripts to your UNIX home directory.
- Check to see whether the two shell scripts that SlipKnot needs (and
- would place into your UNIX directory) are already there. Execute
- the following command at your UNIX prompt:
- ls -al .slipcommand .slipgeturl
- You should see the following two lines, though some details may be
- different.
- -rwx------ 1 pbrooks user 227 Aug 13 1994 .slipcommand
- -rwx------ 1 pbrooks user 103 May 1 14:22 .slipgeturl
- If you see the UNIX response above, then skip to App2.2.
- App2.1.1: If you see that both files exist, but you do not see the
- "x" as the fourth character from the left.
- This means that the two shell scripts are there, but have not
- been set as "executable". Here's how to fix that: execute the
- following command at your UNIX prompt:
- chmod u+x .slipcommand .slipgeturl
- Then try the
- ls -al .slipcommand .slipgeturl
- again and see if the "x" appears as the fourth character.
- App2.1.2: If .slipcommand or .slipgeturl does not exist, then you
- can retrieve one or both of them using anonymous FTP.
- Here is where they reside on the Internet:
- site: interport.net
- directory: /pub/pbrooks/slipknot
- files: .slipcommand and .slipgeturl
- Put the files into your UNIX home directory, and go back to
- step App2.1.1 to make the files executable.
- App2.2: Making changes to your .HST file.
- Once you know that the appropriate shell scripts are in your UNIX
- directory, you will have to make a few small changes to your .HST
- file(s) on your PC. When configuring SlipKnot (in Setup/Host), you
- created the name of a new host, probably a name associated with
- your Internet Service Provider. For the sake of this example,
- let's call that host: "Fred". You now have a file in your \SLIPKNOT
- directory called FRED.HST. This is a text file and you will need
- to modify it with a simple text (ASCII) editor. Be careful not to
- use a fancy word-processor, or if you do, make sure that when you
- save the modifications, you save them in "text" or "ASCII" form.
- In the first paragraph (called, [Settings]), you will find the lines:
- UNIXLSColumn=0
- UNIXLSTotalColumns=0
- If you don't see them, create them as separate lines. Now look in
- section App2.1.0 above at the output of the ls -al command (starts
- with "-rwx..."), and execute your own ls -al command because it may
- be different!
- First, count the columns in each line. By "column" I mean the
- number of strings separated by spaces. So, for instance, in the
- example in App2.1.0 above, "Aug" and "13" and "1994" is each a
- column. In the example above, there are 9 columns in each line
- ("-rwx------", "1", "pbrooks", "user", "103", "May", "1", "14:22",
- and ".slipgeturl"). So change the number as follows:
- UNIXLSTotalColumns=9
- Now, count which column (starting at 1) contains the size of the
- file. In our example above, it is column 5, so:
- UNIXLSColumn=5
- Also, make the following modification:
- HostInit=-1
- And finally, find the version of SlipKnot you are using (inside
- SLIPKNOT.INI) and place it in the following line, for instance:
- HostInitVersion=1.13
- Now you can save the .HST file.
- The next time you log onto your UNIX host, and press the World Wide
- Web button, SlipKnot should not try to initialize your Host
- (hopefully), and you should be able to go to SlipKnot Web.
- HOWEVER, what we have done above is fool SlipKnot into thinking that
- the Host is already initialized, and maybe that cures the problem.
- You are a step closer to success, but may still not be able to
- retrieve documents using SlipKnot Web, for whatever reason Host
- Initialization failed in the first place.
- =========== Appendix 3. If this document does not help solve the problem
- If you are having file transmission problems or host initialization problems
- that are not covered in this document, then you can send us a debugging log
- file. Here are the steps to doing so:
- -- See SlipKnot Help topic: "If all else fails" aboout how to create the
- SLIPKNOT.DEB debugging file.
- -- Turn on debugging just before the problem occurs, and turn it off just
- afterwards (this can produce a large file -- so only debug the parts
- that are failing).
- -- If you turned on debugging while logging in, SLIPKNOT.DEB may contain
- your login ID and password. This is an ASCII file and you should delete
- those pieces of sensitive information before sending.
- -- Upload the SLIPKNOT.DEB file to your UNIX system, and embed it in the
- text of the message to us -- DO NOT send it as an attachment because our
- mailer will not understand it.
- -- Send the file and your description of the problem. To speed a response,
- please indicate the fact that you have read this FAQ by typing "**" (two
- asterisks) as the first characters in the subject line of your message.
- -- Send to: slpstaff@micromind.com
- Also, SlipKnot problems, answers and general discussion is held on the
- Usenet newsgroup: comp.infosystems.www.users. SlipKnot's What's New Page
- can be retrieved for the latest news on versions and other information (there
- is a link to the What's New Page from the SlipKnot Local Home Page).
- ==============================================
- Again, we are sorry that you are having problems, and hope that this guide
- helped you through some of them.
- -- Brought to you by the overworked (and underpaid) MicroMind folks.